Development Applications

D07-05-15-0008 Demolition Control: An application for Demolition Control for the property located at 163-167 Parkdale Avenue. The site is currently occupied by two vacant residential and commercial buildings. The total site area is approximately 1,373.6 square metres..

D07-04-16-0002 Plan of Condominium: 15 residential, mcondo units, within a new 3 storey apt building.

D07-12-16-0016 Site Plan Control: 15 residential condo units within a new 3 storey apt. building.

D07-12-15-0205 Site Plan Control: The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan application to add 2 single-storey multi-tenanted light industrial buildings to the existing developed site..

D07-04-16-0001 Plan of Condominium: Application to develop the site with a Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 28 townhouse dwelling units distributed with six buildings. Vehicular access to the site will be provided by means of a private street extending off of Valin Street. This internal road is intended to function as part of a Common Elements Condominium. The townhomes in this development are intended to be sold as freehold units. The units will be two storeys in height, although some bungalows units have been introduced within the development as well..

D07-12-16-0002 Site Plan Control: 12-storey mixed-use building for university students and retail at grade..

D07-05-16-0003 Demolition Control: The application for demolition control proposes to demolish an existing, unoccupied two-storey residential dwelling at 101 Wurtemburg Street..

D07-16-15-0015 Plan of Subdivision: The proposed plan of subdivision comprises phase 2 of a draft approved subdivision (Lakeland Meadows Phase I). Lakeland Meadows Phase I is made up of 34 residential lots averaging 0.3 hectares in lot size, and serviced through private on-site water (well) and wastewater (septic). Phase II differs from Phase I in that the servicing is proposed to be provided through an existing communal water and wastewater system within the adjacent subdivision lands to the immediate south (Shadow Ridge)..
