Site Plan Control
Proposed development is a 6-16 mixed use building to include approximately 12,360 square feet of ground floor commercial GFA and approximately 128,800 square feet of residential GFA for approximately 212 units. Residential garage access would be from the rear land that extends from Parkdale to Hamilton. The garage would include parking for 139 vehicles and 212 bicycles across three levels.
Addresses: 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST StreetOfficial Plan Amendment
Policy amendment to permit high-rise building whereas a mid-rise building is permitted.
Addresses: 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST StreetZoning By-law Amendment
Zoning Amenment is required to permit an increase in maximum buildings height and amend other performance standards.
Addresses: 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST StreetSite Plan Control
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control application to permit the development of four-storey apartment building along Old Richmond Road and six stacked townhouse dwelling units along Moodie Drive.
Addresses: 572 MOODIE Drive, 4000 OLD RICHMOND RoadPlan of Subdivision
The City of Ottawa has received applications for a Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the development of 825 residential units, institutional facilities, a stormwater management pond, a park and open space.
Addresses: 1053 MARCH Road, 1075 MARCH Road, 1145 MARCH RoadSite Plan Control
APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - No longer subject to SPC - New stacked dwelling construction consisting of a single block of seven 3 storey townhomes and a two storey stacked dwelling for a total of 9 dwellings units. The lower stacked dwelling will be fully barrier free. Acess to resident and visitor parking will be from Sandhill Rd. Pedestrian access will be provided to Klondike Rd.
Addresses: 1050 KLONDIKE RoadPlan of Subdivision
Draft Plan of Subdivision for a total of 117 residential units (single detached, semi-detached, townhouse) in the Village of Carp
Addresses: 232 DONALD B. MUNRO DriveZoning By-law Amendment
The applicant is proposing to develop a residential subdivision, which will consist of two lots, one containing a four-storey, 94-unit apartment building, and the other a semi-detached dwelling.
Addresses: 37 WILDPINE CourtSite Plan Control
This project consists of a 6 storey residential apartment building with a full underground podium parking surface parking. Total of 120 units
Addresses: 3080 NAVAN RoadSite Plan Control
A Site Plan Control application to construct a 5-storey, mixed-use building comprising 369 m2 GFA of medical and pharmacy uses on the ground floor and 20 residential apartment units on the floors above. A total of 34 surface and underground parking spaces is provided.
Addresses: 3996 INNES Road