Development Applications

D07-12-18-0009 Site Plan Control: Removal of existing bldg. and gas pumps construct new bldg. 3600 retail with drive thru and new gas pumps and tanks. New entrances and Landscaping and ashphalt on lot new well & septic existing story water pitches..

D07-12-22-0147 Site Plan Control: A four-storey low-rise rental apartment building containing 16 dwelling units consisting of 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units. A total of 11 vehicle parking spaces are proposed (10 resident, 1 visitor) to be provided in a rear parking lot. A total of 22 bicycle parking spaces (18 interior, 4 exterior) are proposed. Vehicle access is proposed via one access of off Richmond Road. Total amenity area of 195 sq. m is proposed (Private balconies with 42 sq. m of amenity; At-grade outdoor amenity space in interior side yard of 31 sq. m; and a rooftop patio that is 122 sq. m)..

D02-02-22-0090 Zoning By-law Amendment: To rezone the lands identified as Area A from Residential First Density Zone, Subzone GG (R1GG) to Residential Fourth Density Zone, Subzone M, Urban Exception [XXXX] (R4M[XXXX]) to permit the low-rise apartment. The requested exception provisions are described below - Minimum landscaped interior side yard: 0 m - Communal Amenity Area permitted to be located in the interior side yard; -Communal Amenity Area permitted to be located above grade - Minimum percentage of soft landscaped communal amenity area: 0%; Maximum width of a walkway in the front yard: 1.8 m - Minimum resident parking spaces: 10 spaces; Minimum visitor parking spaces: 1 space - Minimum width of a double traffic lane: 3.0 m; Minimum aisle width for an aisle providing access to parking that is 90 degrees: 6.3 m - Minimum aisle width for an aisle providing access to parking that is 90 degrees: 6.3 m.

D02-02-21-0113 Zoning By-law Amendment: The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to develop a residential subdivision containing 598 units. The plan proposed 53 single detached units, 385 townhouse units, 160 back-to-back townhouse units, 11 streets, 2 open space park blocks and 1 stormwater block..

D07-16-21-0028 Plan of Subdivision: Draft plan of subdivision application to develop 7 new rural residential lots, each with a minimum of 0.4 hectares, as well as an extension to Lombardy Drive South for access and the creation of a multi-use pathway connection to the Osgoode Link Pathway..

D07-16-20-0030 Plan of Subdivision: The City of Ottawa has received a Plan of Subdivision application and associated Official Plan Amendment application. These applications will permit the development of nine residential lots which is Phase 3 of the Emerald Creek subdivision..

D07-16-20-0005 Plan of Subdivision: The City of Ottawa has received a concurrent Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to develop a mixed-use subdivision comprised of 631 residential units and blocks reserved for commercial uses, a school and a park..

D01-01-20-0002 Official Plan Amendment: The City of Ottawa has received a concurrent Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to develop a mixed-use subdivision comprised of 631 residential units and blocks reserved for commercial uses, a school and a park..

D02-02-20-0011 Zoning By-law Amendment: The City of Ottawa has received a concurrent Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision application to develop a mixed-use subdivision comprised of 631 residential units and blocks reserved for commercial uses, a school and a park..

D07-12-18-0115 Site Plan Control: The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan application to facilitate the development of a one-storey, 2,655 square metre place of worship and an associated two-storey, 635 square metre rooming house..
