Plan of Subdivision
The City of Ottawa has received applications for a Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the development of 825 residential units, institutional facilities, a stormwater management pond, a park and open space.
Addresses: 1053 MARCH Road, 1075 MARCH Road, 1145 MARCH RoadZoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the subject site General Industrial (IG) zone. The rezoning will permit a range of industrial, commercial, and institutional uses to allow future development of the site.
Addresses: 2175 PRINCE OF WALES DriveZoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment to re-zone from DR (Development Reserve) to R3, R4 and O1 zone, to permit a low-rise subdiivision and a public park.
Addresses: 1919 MAPLE GROVE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
New 3 Storey meazzanine low rise apartment building 25 unites
Addresses: 342 ROOSEVELT AvenueSite Plan Control
New 3 storey + mezzanine low rise apartment building 25 units
Addresses: 342 ROOSEVELT AvenueZoning By-law Amendment
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the development of a high-rise residential development of fourteen (14) storeys.
Addresses: 100 NEW ORCHARD NORTH AvenuePlan of Condominium
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision and Plan of Condominium (Common Elements) application to construct 16 single detached dwellings of one and two storeys which will front onto a private road. Since the lots will front onto a private road, a Plan of Condominium is required to create the common element road block. The private road will have a width of 6.7 metres and will have two access points to Scissons Road. Through the Plan of Condominium, the homeowners will share ownership of the road, as well as costs associated with other facilities and services.
Addresses: 27 SCISSONS Road, 33 SCISSONS Road, 27 SCISSONS Road, 33 SCISSONS Road, 35 SCISSONS Road, 35 SCISSONS RoadPlan of Subdivision
The property has area of 89 hectares with 575 metres of frontage along Hazeldean Road. The proposal is for a residential subdivision with neighbourhood commercial block, elementary school, a transit station block and parks/ open space blocks. The proposed development contains approximately 1845 residential units with low, medium and high density housing types.
Addresses: 5618 HAZELDEAN RoadSite Plan Control
Removal of existing bldg. and gas pumps construct new bldg. 3600 retail with drive thru and new gas pumps and tanks. New entrances and Landscaping and ashphalt on lot new well & septic existing story water pitches.
Addresses: 6175 ROCKDALE RoadSite Plan Control
The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan application to facilitate the development of a one-storey, 2,655 square metre place of worship and an associated two-storey, 635 square metre rooming house.
Addresses: 6688 FRANKTOWN Road