Plan of Subdivision
The property has area of 89 hectares with 575 metres of frontage along Hazeldean Road. The proposal is for a residential subdivision with neighbourhood commercial block, elementary school, a transit station block and parks/ open space blocks. The proposed development contains approximately 1845 residential units with low, medium and high density housing types.
Addresses: 5618 HAZELDEAN RoadZoning By-law Amendment
To demolish existing two storey Royal Thai Embassy and to construct new two storey embassy building
Addresses: 180 ISLAND PARK DriveSite Plan Control
The property is located on the south side of McArthur Avenue, east of North River Road in the Rideau-Vanier ward. The site is currently occupied by a surface parking lot. It is proposed to construct a three-storey residential building containing eight residential units. Each unit is proposed to have four bedrooms. The total gross floor area of the building is 706.3 square metres. Amenity space is proposed on the rooftop as well as in the rear yard. A total of 16 bicycle parking spaces are proposed.
Addresses: 18 MCARTHUR AvenueDemolition Control
An application for Demolition Control for the property located at 163-167 Parkdale Avenue. The site is currently occupied by two vacant residential and commercial buildings. The total site area is approximately 1,373.6 square metres.
Addresses: 163 PARKDALE Avenue, 167 PARKDALE AvenuePlan of Condominium
15 residential, mcondo units, within a new 3 storey apt building
Addresses: 3368 CARLING AvenueSite Plan Control
A Site Plan Control Application to permit a four-storey low-rise apartment dwelling with 16 dwelling units. Two parking spaces are proposed off Fountain Place.
Addresses: 244 FOUNTAIN PlaceZoning By-law Amendment
To establish a temporary surface parking lot on the site
Addresses: 137 GEORGE Street, 141 GEORGE StreetPlan of Subdivision
The applicant proposes to develop a total of 211 residential units fronting on 7 streets, including 117 single detached dwellings and 94 townhouse dwellings. The proposed subdivision also includes 1 park block, 1 open space block (representing the flood plain), 1 school block, 1 stormwater management block and 1 commericial block. The subdivision will connect to the local arterial road, known as Borrisokane Road, and will connect with the street network within in the neighbouring development known as Half Moon Bay. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject lands from Development Reserve (DR) to Residential Third Density (R3YY[1909]), Open Space (O1), Local Commercial (LC) and Minor Institutional (1A) in order to accommodate the uses within the draft plan of subdivision.
Addresses: 3387 BORRISOKANE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
Rezoning from AG to various zones to permit subdivision made up of residential development (detached, townhouse and apartment units), commercial blocks, parks, open space corridor and stormwater management pond.
Addresses: 5618 HAZELDEAN RoadSite Plan Control
Application to develop a three unit, single-storey commercial building that is 380 square metres in size. it is a standalone structure that is planned to be located at the southeast corner of the site. It is in addition to the two existing, two-storey commercial buildings on site.
Addresses: 329 MARCH Road