Development Applications

December 29, 2023

Demolition Control

An application for Demolition Control for the property located at 163-167 Parkdale Avenue. The site is currently occupied by two vacant residential and commercial buildings. The total site area is approximately 1,373.6 square metres.

Addresses: 163 PARKDALE Avenue, 167 PARKDALE Avenue
April 25, 2023

Plan of Condominium

15 residential, mcondo units, within a new 3 storey apt building

Addresses: 3368 CARLING Avenue
April 10, 2022

Demolition Control

The purpose of the application is to permit the demolition of a one and a half storey single family dwelling located at 59 Carruthers Avenue, which would allow for the site to be remediated in advance of a Site Plan Control Approval to facilitate quicker construction timelines.

Addresses: 59 CARRUTHERS Avenue
April 10, 2022

Site Plan Control

elementary school

Addresses: 349 OLMSTEAD Street
April 10, 2022

Site Plan Control

The proposed development includes the construction of a 2 sty bldg plus basement which would contain a mosque a school and community centre facilities, as well as kitchen facilities and space to accomodate large social functions. Parking will be provided at grade - 285 spaces, with access provided via a driveway entrance on the north side of the proposed building

Addresses: 3025 ALBION NORTH Road, 3095 ALBION NORTH Road, 3025 ALBION NORTH Road, 3095 ALBION NORTH Road
April 10, 2022

Site Plan Control

revision to the rear property of the perviously approved development plan for the purpose of a warehouse club reatil store and associated gas bar

Addresses: 2012 OGILVIE Road
April 10, 2022

Zoning By-law Amendment

The City of Ottawa has received three associated applications including an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Amendment and a Site Plan Control application to accommodate the development of a multi-purpose facility which is proposed to include place of worship, place of assembly and community centre uses which are to be operated by the Salvation Army.

Addresses: 102 BILL LEATHEM Drive
April 10, 2022

Official Plan Amendment

The City of Ottawa has received three associated applications including an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Amendment and a Site Plan Control application to accommodate the development of a multi-purpose facility which is proposed to include place of worship, place of assembly and community centre uses which are to be operated by the Salvation Army.

Addresses: 102 BILL LEATHEM Drive
April 10, 2022

Site Plan Control

15 residential condo units within a new 3 storey apt. building

Addresses: 3368 CARLING Avenue
April 10, 2022

Site Plan Control

The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan application to add 2 single-storey multi-tenanted light industrial buildings to the existing developed site.

Addresses: 3020 HAWTHORNE Road