Zoning By-law Amendment
The applicant is proposing to develop a residential subdivision, which will consist of two lots, one containing a four-storey, 94-unit apartment building, and the other a semi-detached dwelling.
Addresses: 37 WILDPINE CourtZoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the subject site General Industrial (IG) zone. The rezoning will permit a range of industrial, commercial, and institutional uses to allow future development of the site.
Addresses: 2175 PRINCE OF WALES DrivePlan of Subdivision
A Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential subdivision comprised of 36 semi-detached dwellings, 26 townhouses, 2 detached dwellings, a park block, and two blocks reserved for low-rise apartment buildings estimated at 460 units. A separate site plan control application will be required before the apartment buildings can be constructed.
Addresses: 1919 MAPLE GROVE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment to re-zone from DR (Development Reserve) to R3, R4 and O1 zone, to permit a low-rise subdiivision and a public park.
Addresses: 1919 MAPLE GROVE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
The City of Ottawa has received a concurrent Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment application to develop a 728-unit mixed-use subdivision comprised of 297 detached dwellings, 315 townhomes, 116 back-to-back townhomes, two commercial mixed-use blocks, a future school block and various park and open space blocks.
Addresses: 1020 MARCH Road, 1020 MARCH Road, 1070 MARCH Road, 1070 MARCH RoadPlan of Subdivision
The applicant is proposing to develop a residential subdivision, which will consist of two lots, one containing a four-storey, 94-unit apartment building, and the other a semi-detached dwelling.
Addresses: 37 WILDPINE CourtZoning By-law Amendment
New 3 Storey meazzanine low rise apartment building 25 unites
Addresses: 342 ROOSEVELT AvenueZoning By-law Amendment
The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend the zoning of the subject property to Residential Fifth Density, Subzone B, Exception XXXX, Schedule YYY (R5B[XXXX] S(YYY)). A new site-specific zoning schedule will establish permitted building heights, required setbacks and required stepbacks while the site-specific exception will provide the necessary relief from specific provisions of the current zone. The site-specific exception would also permit a range of non-residential uses for the at-grade retail space, consistent with the policies of the Centretown Secondary Plan.
Addresses: 267 O'CONNOR StreetOfficial Plan Amendment
The proposed development consists of two (2) high-rise mixed-use buildings surrounded by outdoor space. A total of 541 dwelling units are proposed in the two towers with 359 proposed underground parking spaces.
Addresses: 267 O'CONNOR StreetSite Plan Control
New 3 storey + mezzanine low rise apartment building 25 units
Addresses: 342 ROOSEVELT Avenue