Official Plan Amendment
Policy amendment to permit high-rise building whereas a mid-rise building is permitted.
Addresses: 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST StreetZoning By-law Amendment
Zoning Amenment is required to permit an increase in maximum buildings height and amend other performance standards.
Addresses: 1186 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1187 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1188 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1189 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1190 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1191 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1193 WELLINGTON WEST Street, 1194 WELLINGTON WEST StreetPlan of Subdivision
The City of Ottawa has received applications for a Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the development of 825 residential units, institutional facilities, a stormwater management pond, a park and open space.
Addresses: 1053 MARCH Road, 1075 MARCH Road, 1145 MARCH RoadSite Plan Control
APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - No longer subject to SPC - New stacked dwelling construction consisting of a single block of seven 3 storey townhomes and a two storey stacked dwelling for a total of 9 dwellings units. The lower stacked dwelling will be fully barrier free. Acess to resident and visitor parking will be from Sandhill Rd. Pedestrian access will be provided to Klondike Rd.
Addresses: 1050 KLONDIKE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the subject site General Industrial (IG) zone. The rezoning will permit a range of industrial, commercial, and institutional uses to allow future development of the site.
Addresses: 2175 PRINCE OF WALES DrivePlan of Subdivision
A Plan of Subdivision to permit a residential subdivision comprised of 36 semi-detached dwellings, 26 townhouses, 2 detached dwellings, a park block, and two blocks reserved for low-rise apartment buildings estimated at 460 units. A separate site plan control application will be required before the apartment buildings can be constructed.
Addresses: 1919 MAPLE GROVE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
A Zoning By-law Amendment to re-zone from DR (Development Reserve) to R3, R4 and O1 zone, to permit a low-rise subdiivision and a public park.
Addresses: 1919 MAPLE GROVE RoadZoning By-law Amendment
The City of Ottawa has received a concurrent Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment application to develop a 728-unit mixed-use subdivision comprised of 297 detached dwellings, 315 townhomes, 116 back-to-back townhomes, two commercial mixed-use blocks, a future school block and various park and open space blocks.
Addresses: 1020 MARCH Road, 1020 MARCH Road, 1070 MARCH Road, 1070 MARCH RoadZoning By-law Amendment
New 3 Storey meazzanine low rise apartment building 25 unites
Addresses: 342 ROOSEVELT AvenueZoning By-law Amendment
The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend the zoning of the subject property to Residential Fifth Density, Subzone B, Exception XXXX, Schedule YYY (R5B[XXXX] S(YYY)). A new site-specific zoning schedule will establish permitted building heights, required setbacks and required stepbacks while the site-specific exception will provide the necessary relief from specific provisions of the current zone. The site-specific exception would also permit a range of non-residential uses for the at-grade retail space, consistent with the policies of the Centretown Secondary Plan.
Addresses: 267 O'CONNOR Street