Application Details
Site Plan Control
September 20, 2024
The proposed development consists of three, one-storey commercial buildings, which will contain a mix of uses that fall into the following categories: personal service, office, restaurant, and automobile service centre.
External Link
View application on ottawa.ca
Status History
September 20, 2024: Active
January 13, 2025: Inactive
1280 TRIM Road Cumberland
2024-09-19 - Application Summary
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-09-17 - Tree Conservation Report
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2024-09-17 - Landscape Plan, L-01 & L-02
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2024-08-20 - Zoning Confirmation Report
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2024-08-20 - Urban Design Brief
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2024-08-20 - Transportation Impact Assessmen
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2024-08-20 - TIA Addendum Letter
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2024-08-20 - Survey
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2024-08-20 - Site Plan and Elevation
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2024-08-20 - Servicing Brief & SWM Report
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2024-08-20 - Preliminary Construction Management Plan
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2024-08-20 - Planning Rationale
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2024-08-20 - Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
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2024-08-20 - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
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2024-08-20 - Images
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2024-08-20 - Geotechnical Investigation
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2024-08-20 - Civil Drawings
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2024-10-11 - SWM and Servicing Brief
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2024-10-11 - Stormwater Management Plan, C601
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2024-10-11 - Servicing Plan, C401
2024-10-11 - Pre-Development Watershed Plan - C701
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2024-10-11 - Post-Development Watershed Plan - C702
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2024-10-11 - Grading and Servicing Plan, C301
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2024-10-11 - General Notes, C001
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2024-10-11 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, C101-
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2024-10-11 - Demolition Plan, C102
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2024-10-31-Pre-Development Watershed Plan C701
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2024-10-31-Construction Detail Plan,C901
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2024-10-31 - ZCR
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2024-10-31 - TIA Addendum 1
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2024-10-31 - SWM Plan, C601
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2024-10-31 - Site Plan
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2024-10-31 - Servicing Plan, C401
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2024-10-31 - Retaining Wall, S100,
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2024-10-31 - Response Letter -
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2024-10-31 - Post-Development Watershed Plan
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2024-10-31 - Landscape Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-10-31 - Grading and Servicing Plan, C301
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-10-31 - General Notes, C001
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2024-10-31 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, C101
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2024-10-31 - Elevations
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2024-10-31 - Demolition Plan, C102
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2024-10-31 - Canopy Coverage, L02
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2024-12-19 - Site Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-12-19 - L03 Landscape Plan
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2024-12-19 - L02 Landscape Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-12-19 - L01 Landscape Plan
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2024-12-19 - Elevations
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2024-12-19 - C901 Construction Detail Plan
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2024-12-19 - C702 Post-Development Watershed Plan
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2024-12-19 - C701 Pre-Development Watershed Plan
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2024-12-19 - C601 SWM Plan
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2024-12-19 - C401 Servicing Plan
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2024-12-19 - C301 Grading and Drainage Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-12-19 - C102 Demolition Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-12-19 - C101 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2024-12-19 - C001 General Notes
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2025-01-10 - SWM Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Pre-Development Watershed Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Post-Development Watershed Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Landscape Plan Signed
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - General Notes
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Elevations Signed
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Demolition Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-10 - Construction Detail Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-07 - Delegated Authority Report Signed
Missing/broken document: 307