
Application Details
Zoning By-law Amendment
August 23, 2023
Within one year of passage of Official Plan policies to create a Protected Major Transit Station Area, the City of Ottawa is required by the Planning Act to amend the Zoning By-law in accordance with the OP policies by providing zoning provisions to achieve minimum densities in the OP. After a review of 17 PMTSAs across the city it has been determined that the zoning in all of the PMTSAs provide permissions to deliver the minimum densities in Table 3a of the OP with the exception of the Corso Italia PMTSA. A zoning amendment is proposed to rezone lands from IG1-General Industrial Subzone 1 to MC-Mixed Use Centre zone, with an exception that will permit the current industrial uses on the lands and a range of commercial and resiential uses. The amendment will ensure that the minimum densities in the OP for Corso Italia can be achieved, in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.
External Link
View application on ottawa.ca
Status History
  • August 23, 2023: Active
  • 0 Ottawa
City Staff Contact

John Lunney
613-580-2424 x29240