The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the site from Development Reserve (DR) Zone to Residential Fourth Density, Subzone Z, Urban Exception XXX (R4Z[XXX]) and Residential First Density, Subzone Z, urban exception XXX (R1Z [XXX]) to permit a planned unit development (PUD) and to regularize the existing dwelling. The Planned Unit Development will consist of four buildings, two 2-storey townhouse dwellings (eight units) and two 2 ½ storey stacked townhouse dwellings (16 units). Vehicular access will be via Renaud Road to the north, there will be surface parking and a common amenity space on the southeast portion of the lands. The Planned Unit Development will be subject to a future application for site plan control approval. The existing dwelling and detached garage will remain and will be severed from the PUD and be on a separate lot.