Application Details
Official Plan Amendment
February 07, 2022
Policy amendment to permit high-rise building whereas a mid-rise building is permitted.
External Link
View application on
Status History
February 11, 2022:
February 04, 2025:
1186 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1187 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1186 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1187 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1188 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1186 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1188 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1187 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1189 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1189 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1188 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1190 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1190 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1189 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1191 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1190 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1191 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1193 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1193 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1191 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1194 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1194 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1193 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
1194 WELLINGTON Street WEST Old Ottawa
City Staff Contact
Haris Khan
613-580-2424 x70718
2021-07-26 - Application Summary
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Wind Study
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Transportation Impact Assessment
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Traffic Noise Feasibility
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Topographic Sketch
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Planning Rationale and Design Brief
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Landscape Concept Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Heritage Considerations Review
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Geotechncial Investigation Report
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Architectural
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-06-30 - Adequacy
Missing/broken document: 307
2021-07-26 - Application Summary -
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2021-06-30 - Wind Study -
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2021-06-30 - Transportation Impact Assessment -
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2021-06-30 - Traffic Noise Feasibility -
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2021-06-30 - Topographic Sketch -
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2021-06-30 - Planning Rationale and Design Brief -
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2021-06-30 - Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment -
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2021-06-30 - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment -
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2021-06-30 - Landscape Concept Plan -
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2021-06-30 - Heritage Considerations Review -
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2021-06-30 - Geotechncial Investigation Report -
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2021-06-30 - Architectural -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Adequacy -
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2021-07-26 - Application Summary -
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2021-06-30 - Wind Study -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Transportation Impact Assessment -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Traffic Noise Feasibility -
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2021-06-30 - Topographic Sketch -
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2021-06-30 - Planning Rationale and Design Brief -
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2021-06-30 - Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Phase One Environmental Site Assessment -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Landscape Concept Plan -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Heritage Considerations Review -
Missing/broken document:
2021-06-30 - Geotechncial Investigation Report -
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2021-06-30 - Architectural -
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2021-06-30 - Adequacy -
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2022-04-12 - Revised Architectural Package - D02-02-20-0071
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Tree Conservation Report
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Tree Conservation Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Transportation Impact Assessment
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - SWM Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Soil Volume Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Site Servicing Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Site Servicing & SWM Report
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2025-01-22 - Site Sections & Elevations 2
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Site Sections & Elevations 1
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Site Plan, Context Plan, Statistics
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Site Details - Hardscape & Softscape
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Site Details - Furunitures
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Sanitary Drainage Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Roadway Traffic Noise Detailed Assessment
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Remedial Action Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Planting Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Phase II ESA
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Phase I ESA
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Pedestrian Level Wind Study
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Landscape Materials Plan - Ground Level-
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Landscape Layout & Composite Utility Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Grading Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Geotechnical Investigation
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Erosion Control Plan
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Cultural Heritage Impact Statement
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Building Elevations SP07-1
Missing/broken document: 307
2025-01-22 - Building Elevations SP07
Missing/broken document: 307